A review by quinn_0611
No One to Trust by Katie Reus


There is something about Katie Reus's Red Stone Security series that just works for me. It's quite a long series, with 15 books. No One to Trust is the first book in this series, and while I did like it, it's clear how much Katie Reus has grown as a writer.

No One to Trust is about Elizabeth Martinez and Porter Caldwell, who both work at Red Stone Security. Elizabeth is a computer security expert at Red Stone, and Caldwell is the son of the owner. Elizabeth and Porter dated very briefly before the start of the story but they broke it off. Elizabeth has a brother who always seems to get himself into trouble, and Elizabeth is always rushing to protect him. This caused a big conflict between Elizabeth and Porter.

The book starts off with a bang as Elizabeth rushes to a baddie's house to help her brother. In the process her life becomes in danger, and Porter rushes in to save her. As they try to figure out what is going on and how to keep Elizabeth safe, they rekindle their romance.

There is a lot I liked about No One to Trust. It's super fast paced, which really helps when you're in a reading funk. It's action packed, and it's hard to put the book down. I also liked Elizabeth and Porter, although neither of them are favorites. Elizabeth sometimes acts stupidly, and Porter is a bit too in control for me to love wholeheartedly. What really brings the book down, in my opinion, is the suspense plot. It's so fast paced but some things I couldn't understand. The baddies are always finding Elizabeth and Porter, but it's never explained how they find them. And then there is the bit about this car being blown up in Miami, and that was just a bit much for me.

But overall I did like No One to Trust by Katie Reus. If you like romantic suspense, and are willing to suspense disbelief a bit, give this one a try.This review was originally posted on Quinn's Book Nook