A review by hannuhreads
Surviving Adam Meade by Shannon Klare


3.5 stars.

It was quick and a cute story. Nothing life changing but I enjoyed reading it overall.

The good parts: I did think Adam and Claire were cute when they were actually talking nice and not fighting with eachother. I liked Riley- Claire’s new friend. And I loved Adam’s grandma. The sweetest.

The bad parts: Will say that Adam was just a big yikes. Honestly- a bit of a jerk. I’m not sure how to get around that. Yes- he has a past that has likely led to him being the way he is. But still. He is SO rude to Claire. He’s also wishy washy and back and forth with her. Almost like he is playing games. I was so confused by what he wanted and that was frustrating. I don’t like games. Claire does though- so I digress.

Also. Claire’s ex boyfriend - another big yikes. But again- I digress. Lastly - claire and her “past” with her ex is soooo small in my eyes and yet she acts like it’s this life altering situation and I cannot with her and her woe-is-me attitude.

Sighhhhhhh. Idk guys. I just don’t know.