A review by andrewboscardin
Looking for Calvin and Hobbes: The Unconventional Story of Bill Watterson and His Revolutionary Comic Strip by Nevin Martell


I was really looking forward to this book, which looked like it might be a well-considered, thoughtful look at Calvin and Hobbes and creator Bill Watterson. I tried not to be too skeptical of the author, whose credits include a Dave Matthews biography and a book about a Beck album, but I probably should have been.

Using "hooking up with Jessica Biel" as a metaphor and imagining that bootleg merchandise might make Watterson "well, pissed" are just a couple of the examples of how bad the writing is here. Not to mention the constant stream of "gosh wow" stories of various famous and semi-famous people actually taking the author's phone-calls (OMG!) or returning his letters (neato!).

No wonder Bill Watterson doesn't do interviews anymore.