A review by sirensaria
Pandora's Jar: Women in the Greek Myths by Natalie Haynes


Where do I even begin? This book was amazing, stunning, heart wrenching, and gutsy all rolled up. I bought this book mostly because of Medusa. I always thought she was so much more than just a monster, and frankly, her life sucked. I loved how Haynes took each woman she chose and really.dug derp into the myths of them. And I mean she dug DEEP! She went through multiple versions of each woman to really break down the characters and the story. There were some that I ended up really feeling sorry for. I was a bit nervous that this might have been a book that bashed all the men and made the women as their victims, but that wasn't the case at all. It took a very critical and REAL look at the Greek myths and plays to paint each character. I loved it! Anyone who enjoys mythology, like I do, REALLY needs to read this!