A review by blodeuedd
The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn


Richard really was a dick about the whole secret thing. Not cool Richard, not cool. I get that he wanted to keep the whole thing a secret but...sigh..men!

Iris is pale, ok, so that is the reason why no one notices her. How freaking pale is she? I am thinking of a ghost girl now that people just see through. What is up with that? But she is nice, quiet, used to be overlooked. And when someone does notice her then she is all wtf. Who can blame her.

Richard has a secret, duh. He needs a wife, fast! We do not know the reason. He does not tell her the reason. Asshat that he is.

The reason was a good one, but, he did not go about it the right way. It was needed for the drama, but still.......

Still, cute, I read it fast.