A review by shelvedthoughts
Enemies to French Kisses by Elsie Woods


Reader’s Notes:

– this is part of a series, but can be read as a stand-alone

– this is told from Laura & Marc’s points of view


This is one of my top five favorite books by Elsie Woods that I’ve read so far! I loved that we got to see things from Marc’s point of view, especially during his amnesia so we got to see when things swapped out of amnesia to reality and what his thoughts were. I loved Laura’s determination and work drive, even when it got in the way of their happily ever after for a bit. I loved how they were together in their ‘marriage’ and that Marc’s cat was completely fine with adding a new person in the house. I also really loved Vincent and his outbursts! He was very funny in how he made things clear to the two of them. Some of my favorite scenes/moments included: the hospital, Charlotte ‘s redemption, the engagement party, looking in the mirror, and the homebody scenes.


Laura is tired of having her coworker Marc try to upstage her and make her look bad in front of their boss. So when Marc requests they meet outside of work, Laura is ready to give him a piece of her mind. What she didn’t mean to do was give him a case of amnesia. After an accident that Laura might accidentally be responsible for, Marc started calling her his wife. The doctor insists that Laura be a good and caring wife and ease Marc into recovery. Which for Laura means spending an agonizing amount of time with the man she hates while pretending to be the woman Marc seems to think she is to him.

Marc has a horrible time of being himself around Laura. Every time he tries to make his true feelings known to her, he clams up or the things he says don’t appear to be coming across the right way. How can Marc let Laura know that he thinks of her as more than just a coworker? With a grand gesture of course! But after an accident, things get a little fuzzy for Marc. Why is Laura standing by his hospital bed? Could all of his dreams have come true and she not only returns his affections but also agreed to marry him? That must be it, because there would be no other reason for Laura to care as much as she is appearing to now…