A review by lovefromhannah
Moonscript by H.S.J. Williams


You can read my full review on my blog

Moonscript is the first book of Williams’ that I have read, and after reading this, it certainly won’t be the last! It’s magical, heart wrenching, descriptive and elves — it is everything I didn’t realise I needed.

Thank you to the author for allowing me onto their blog tour! It's been a blast!


Moonscript is easily comparable with your extremely hyped fae fantasy favourites! (wow that’s kind of a tongue twister to say!) Yes, I know that Moonscript focuses around elves but OH MY is it just as riveting as Sarah J. Maas’, Holly Black’s and many others’ works.

Initially concealed in mystery and seventy years of suffering, I realised that Errance is a character I would give my life for. You know those characters that hold a really special place within your heart? Yeah, he was one of them.

The magic of prose and the beauty of the descriptive is something that I aspire to have in my own projects. Right from the beginning, the prose shone true. The descriptive is unlike something that I had encountered before and it made this whole story that bit more vivid.