A review by litwithleigh
Sleeping Beauties by Jo Spain


One sentence review: A solid af Irish police procedural *adds rest of series to cart*


A young woman is missing and five buried women have just been found at a scenic park. Oh lawd!!! Not to fear, Inspector Tom Reynolds is on the case!!!


Ight so I picked this off after DNFing [b:All the Dangerous Things|60784636|All the Dangerous Things|Stacy Willingham|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1652631076l/60784636._SY75_.jpg|95849420] (lol) because I need a solid police procedural to get me back on track. And yes, this is my first Jo Spain novel and YES I did start the series at #3... you already know what it is. Anyways, this was solid and I can't wait to read more by Miss JoJo.

This has everything I like in a police procedural: much juicy case, POV from trapped victims, strong character development, and solid dry wit. Since I've come to terms with being a fan of romantic suspense procedurals (that's what I'm calling it), this also satisfied my itch with a lil will they/won't they storyline between secondary characters.

FYI: while the story is mostly told in third person limited from Tom Reynold's pov, there is some "jumping around" between characters' povs in the same scene. I know this kind of storytelling can really irk people, so you've be warned hoes!

As per usual I didn't care for was the fat shaming. We really don't need sh!t like: "...though a handsome man, was at least four stone overweight and on the tipping point of diabetes, heart disease and all other kinds of obesity-related illnesses." Major eye roll. Can mans solve crimes or nah??? What's interesting in this book is that Jo Spain pushes forth a "liberal agenda" (for lack of better words lol) by addressing misogyny, sexual assault, and domestic violence but yet missed the memo on not including fatphobic comments.

My other rich homie qualm was for a town with the population of 65, the ratio of murderer to non-murderer was like 3:5. I would be moving out of the area IMMEDIATELY. Also this review is short because my neighbour's dog won't stop barking and I can't concentrate. Swiss cheese brain issues.


Pros: well-written, fast-paced, great character development, interesting sub-plots, much juicy case with suspense, solid dry wit

Cons: unnecessary fat-shaming, crime rates were off da charts in this small town LOL