A review by haleyelisereads
Hale Maree by Misty Provencher


“Probably not a good idea Oscar,” I try to joke. “You are loyal, remember?” “I am,” he sighs, “but if you are going to be my wife, I guess that trumps any loyalty I have to a girlfriend, now doesn't it?”

This book was incredible. Absolutely incredible, Hale Maree has become one of my favorite books, and is hands down my favorite New Adult book! Hale Maree was a romantic, steamy, and funny read all in one! When I started this book I could NOT put it down, it had me hooked on the very first page and wouldn't let me go till I finished.

Hale Maree's story kicks right off on the first page, no slow beginning, right on the first page the story picks up! We follow Hale, who is a great main character; she’s very honest, and very likable. She is also spunky, which in my book is always a plus. The ONLY thing that I did not like in Hale Maree was one specific part in the book where Hale tells her best friend how Oscar said something was beautiful, it came off awkward to me personally, and semi cheesy. But besides that tiny part, everything else was amazing.

My favorite part HANDS DOWN about Hale Maree was the romance and our swoon worthy Oscar. Oscar is going to be a book boyfriend for anyone that reads this novel, he is just *swoon* perfect? He ALWAYS says the right thing that will have you reading this book, giggling to yourself over the cute-ness/romantic-ness of his words! This is basically how you will feel/look while reading Hale Maree..

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Yes he is THAT amazing! You are going to look like a giddy idiot over this book! I know I was, and I loved every minute of it! Oscar is caring, respectful, sexy, funny, and a freakin gentleman! What’s not to love?!

“I want you so much,” he says. “I've never felt this way about anyone else. Not even close. You have this way, Hale, I don’t know how to describe if, but you have this way about you that I can’t resist. When we’re apart, it’s like I find these holes in myself. Holes I can’t fill up on my own. Things are missing and the longer I’m away from you, the more clear and deep those holes become. But then you walk into the room, and everything comes back together for me again. All my emptiness is filled in. I can’t resist you, Hale, because I need you so much. Without you, I’m not even me.”

Besides Oscar being amazing the overall romance was really enjoyable. There is tension between Oscar and Hale, Hale is often trying to tell Oscar off or convince him the wedding is a crazy idea. While Oscar just keeps pushing her that it’s a great idea and it has to be done. I really just loved their romance, they were never once boring and did a great job at keeping my attention and making me laugh and look like a giddy idiot as shown above.

Apart from the romance and amazing characters, another aspect of Hale Maree that I quite enjoyed was just Misty’s writing in general. Hale Maree flowed perfectly from beginning to end, never did I feel the need to skim through parts of the story, nor did I ever feel I had to force myself to continue reading. I have since read Misty’s other novel Cornerstone (first book in the Cornerstone series) which also flowed amazingly and was very enjoyable.

Overall Hale Maree is a must read for anyone looking for an AMAZING new adult contemporary romance. This book has easily made my top 12 favorite books of 2012.

-sidenote: The author classifies this as an ‘adult’ novel due to the sex scenes. I personally would recommend this as a NEW ADULT novel though, the characters are all young 20’s or just out of high school and act their age. Sex scenes are also not immensely graphic like some adult novels I have read. Recommended for ages 18+