A review by edshara
The Valiant by Lesley Livingston


So this was okay. It was well written with really nice imagery and I did enjoy the majority of the characters.

Fallon was a believable and likable protagonist. She was a bit stubborn but not annoyingly so. I liked her ability to adapt and grow. It was nice to see a girl, her age, desire to follow her own dreams, and not just abandon them for a relationship. Although for as much as she cared (and while I can understand the situation she was in), I felt some of her relationships progressed a little too quickly.

One of the bigger plot developments was easy to figure out, in my opinion, and I’m glad it was revealed sooner rather than later. Overall the book was interesting, however, I felt like the plot was a bit too tame/safe and at times it kind of dragged on.

Their were a few great moments, I just felt like I wanted and expected more. I’m also not really understanding the purpose of the sequel. Sure, the world is interesting, but honestly, why? So for now continuing this series is up in the air.