A review by fuad
The Arrival by Shaun Tan


[b:The Arrival|920607|The Arrival|Shaun Tan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1312827620l/920607._SX50_.jpg|905641] by [a:Shaun Tan|38954|Shaun Tan|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1241221057p2/38954.jpg]

I am just wondering how can a wordless book be so compelling and beautiful. No word. No text. Only the narration through silence and art. Subtle and graceful the arts were. Beautiful worldbuilding. Adorable creatures. Phenomenal storytelling. An unconventional way to tell a story and it was done magnificently. It's the story of a man who is forced to leave his homeland to seek opportunities in a new world and you know, it is never easy to leave a family and struggling to fit into an alien place. Thats the story that have touched a place in my heart.description
Charming book.