A review by emreadsromance
Defying Logic by Nicky James


Things I liked:

- Aslan and Quaid with their pseudo-baby was catnip to me. Grow it in my garden, let me roll around and get high off of it please.

- Much better balance between romance and mystery. The last book or two was very mystery driven and this one had a lot more couple-moments and focus on internal and relational tension (not between the MCs).

- The romance/relationship was pretty GD perfect. I always appreciate books with couples that treat each other with love and respect.

- That Aslan stayed sober. I was so scared.

- I liked Quaid and Jordyn… and Aslan teaching Quaid how to people. Another example of how this couple brings out the best in each other.

- I kinda wished I had either waited for the audio or read this book on vacation. I don’t know how to explain it. Maybe it was just slower paced than most? It was a relaxing read - so relaxing that it put me to sleep a couple of times, which rarely happens to me. I wasn’t even mad, just like… regretted not reading it on a float in a pool.

Things I didn’t like:

- (TW: ED) There’s literally nothing anyone could say that would convince me that Quaid doesn’t have an eating disorder. Which is OBVIOUSLY a huge trigger for a lot of people and the author skirts a trigger warning by either being embarrassingly ignorant herself about EDs or just pretending it’s not a problem. It’s full on ick.
Honestly, it makes sense for Quaids character to have an ED but it’s never acknowledged or discouraged. Instead, it’s like Quaid intentionally not eating, obsessing over, and restricting his food is just him being *quirky*. Aslan has had to internally and publicly struggle with alcohol being his crutch but there’s no accountability for Quaid’s disordered relationship with food and need for control. There is such excessive description of Quaids eating (or non-eating) habits, it’s weird. It’s mentioned in almost every chapter; there’s no way to avoid it if this is one of your triggers.

- Quaid using “feminist” like a slur when describing his partner *side eye* …sir, you are a gay cop, you have far bigger enemies. Get a grip.

- Fucking Ruiz. Homophobes are not good people. Full stop. When have you ever known a confrontational and vocal homophobe restrict their hate to just one group of marginalized people? Am I really supposed to believe he’s a good and just man now that he’s friends with Quaid? Why am I supposed to be rooting for this man? For this friendship? And Quaid… like salivating for the scraps of decency Ruiz throws him? So. Weird. Honestly, probably getting what I deserve trying to read copaganda-even if it’s Canadian.

- Fake complaint but it niggles me: an absolutely unjustifiable number of people are red heads in this world - like at least 50% of the population.