A review by a_j_torres0
The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis


The Magician's Nephew is a Children/Middle Grade Portal Fantasy novel, book 1 in the series.

Book Cover: 5* - I really love illustrated covers, and although this style is pretty old, it's still wonderful to look at. To me, it just makes the Narnia covers vibrant and whimsical to look at, making me think the same of the story.

Summary/Tagline: 3* - Low, I know, but it got me interested enough to want to read this book ... to my infant son lol. However, I may try this book and the rest of the series when he's much older, it was hard to read to him when he's wailing because he's fighting sleep lol.

Characters: 3* - We follow 2 kids in this story, Polly and Digory, and it's pretty funny, but Polly is the girl with a good head on her shoulders and Digory is a pretty funny wisea**. A lot of the stuff that came out of his mouth made me laugh a few times while Polly acts more like she just puts up with him, but what is nice about this story is that, well, they are kids. They get scared, angry, confused, and their handling of Digory's uncle tricking Polly into wearing a ring sending her to a mysterious world was oddly ... like it was no big deal, as they planned to deal with him when they got back anyway it seems, but instead they hopped into another portal where they meet, and THIS was interesting, Jadis, or more known as, The White Witch. She's just a mean and nasty lady, but beautiful and other worldly I suppose. This is before she is known as The White Witch. There are a few characters here and there, but a lot of them were just ... meh. Oh yeah, this story POV hops quite a bit. So one minute you are Digory, then Polly, then whatever characters is with them, and eventually back to one of the kids. So, I guess prepare for that.

World Building: 3* - Honestly, there really isn't much to say. I'm sure you are aware of the Christian allegories in these books. Well, there's a pretty heavy one on creationism and Aslan. That alone I was like ... Well alright then, that was interesting lol.

Story: 3* - This book was a pretty simple read of 2 kids get tricked into going on a journey where odd mayhem and shenanigans ensue. The adults are kind of ... idiots, but nice, in this book or just plain terrible and the kids pretty much solve things by accident or just chancing it. Other than that, I'm sure kids will probably enjoy this story enough because magic and adventure.

Over All: 3* - This was a good read. Characters take some getting used too, but it isn't infuriating or anything. I did like learning of the story before The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Especially how Narnia and most of the notable characters from that world came into being. You also get to learn how the wardrobe and the lamppost themselves come into existence too. This was enjoyable to read, but I'm going to try and reread this book when my son is older. I think he will enjoy it too when he is able to understand words and pictures lol.