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A review by mooglebaby
Paradise Valley by Robyn Carr

The only issue I had with this book is that it was basically 4 books rolled into one. "Usual" romance novels spend somewhere between 80-100% of the novel on the main couple. This book had at least 4 couples falling in love, not to mention the check ins with all the previous people.

Rick and Liz, Cam and Abby, Walt and Muriel, Dan and Cheryl. There was a lot going on in the novel, jumping between everyone. It wasn't hard to follow necessarily, but but I did sort of forget who the 'main' couple was supposed to be or that they were even around.

And still more babies. I do have a slight problem with the follow up on the couple from the last book, Luke and Shelby. She was making all these grand plans to go to college and get into medicine, yet now she's talking about a baby right away? Not that a women can't do both, but sheesh. I really hope she doesn't get completely derailed and not go to school like she really wanted. All the women start to lose themselves in becoming moms immediately after hitching up. Maybe I'm just a different type of person, but the baby crazy with literally every single person in child baring years is a little much.