A review by zare_i
Avanzando nell'oriente in fiamme: Il sogno di Lenin di un impero in Asia by Peter Hopkirk


This is a very interesting book about a geographical area that was and still is sort of a powderkeg best left alone. Of course, as current politics shows us that cannot happen due to the area's strategic position. World powers keep stirring up mayhem in this highly unstable area.

Although focus is on attempts of Bolsheviks to bring the revolution to the East - East being nearest to the what was then Tsarist Russia taken by Bolsheviks - Hopkirk draws a very vivid picture of Bolsheviks, Tsarist Whites, British, China, Afghanistan and other forces - local or international fighting to keep their foothold in the area during the 1910-1920's periods and not holding up in any way - massacres of thousands are common thing and it seems that power cannot be obtained or retaken without enormous price in human life.

Highly recommended, writers style is excellent and you wont be able to put down the book until you get to the very last page.