A review by becbec624
The Future of Us by Jay Asher, Carolyn Mackler


This was a very enjoyable read. The concept and ideas were really interesting and I found myself having a good time reading it. The idea of two teenagers from the 90's having access to Facebook and seeing their futures was really fun to read. This book deals with the constant dilemma of if you could see your future would you want to and while the characters liked it at first it quickly became a burden that they did not want or need anymore. The central theme that every decision you make can create a number of ripples for your future and those around you was very thoughtful. While I understand the ending of the book leaving with some cliff hangers (goes well with the theme of the story and the events that lead to the last page), I would've enjoyed a look into their futures.
I found a majority of the characters lacking in one way or another whether that was emotionally or just in seeming alive enough to be real.