A review by emlickliter
Cast in Silence by Michelle Sagara


Michelle Sagara likes to use Kaylin's adventures to talk about really hard and complicated topics. This book looks at how humans react to living in a constant state of fear. I have to say that reading this series in the wake of a global pandemic, I can't help but making comparisons to the shadows in this book. We get to meet several new and fascinating characters in this story including the Tower avatar in the fief of Barren (where Kaylin spent 6 months of time learning how to be an assassin) and Morse (Kaylin's mentor and protector during this dubious educational adventure). Tiamaris and Nightshade also have a lot of time in this one, and it give you some interesting insights into the motivations of both men. This is one of the sadder books, but its also one of the most emotionally satisfying! Enjoy!