A review by renee_pompeii
Parents' Guide to Hiking & Camping: A Trailside Guide by Alice Cary


This book is very dated, which is troublesome just in the case of all the FMI resources (pre internet!!!!! Its full of *gasp* phone numbers!) and the books are all overy 20 years old. However(!), all the general info (food/nutrition, setting up and running a campsite, keeping kids entertained away from home) seems to hold up. Aaand it has some great essential wisdom that I really appreciated, like "don't overplan, outings should be fun not a struggle". My fave was the following simple reminder - "Don't expect too much from children. They're kids, not miniature adults. They're built differently, they work differently, they think differently."
Check it out from the library, give it a good once-over and then go online to someplace like Appalachian Mountain Club or the like for updated resources and links/info.