A review by hijinx_abound
Love Blind by Jolene Perry, C. Desir


This book was such a breath of fresh air. I read a lot of YA and often contemporary frustrates me. There is usually a boy and a girl and they meet and then something dramatic goes down and there is fall out and then they have to fix it somehow and then everybody is happy. Sometimes it's well done and I enjoy it but more often than not, it's okay and I promptly forget what the story was about.
This book takes a couple of kids who have some things going on before they meet. One is intrigued and determined to befriend the other. Yes one is a boy and one is a girl but there was substance to them before their story began. It captured all of the awkwardness of being a teenager and all the things that can make you feel different and scared. It looked at family dynamics and how they impact who you are at school. There were some really tragic things that occurred but the story was more about missed opportunities. You know all those moments that you look back on and realize "if only I'd", it could have changed everything.
I loved the main characters in the story. A couple of the side characters seemed a bit irrelevant but don't all of us have those people from our teen years that seem so important until they're not.
No instalove, no way to fix everything, just teens trying to deal with difficult circumstances and growing up.