A review by hellybobs
Anna by Sammy H.K. Smith


CW: Rape, sexual assault, graphic violence.

This was initially a difficult read... The content dark, heavy, traumatic and deeply upsetting with a focus on violent assaults against Anna, our female lead character. I was at the point of maybe not continuing the book, as intrigued as I was with the narrative, when part one ended and part two began, with a change of pace and environment. I found then I wanted to read on, to see if there could be some resolution, happiness, peace? This doesn't detract from how well this is written though, and is more personal with regard to my own reaction to that content.

The book is extremely well written, and the difficult subjects aren't shied away from. I would have liked to know more about the fall of the world as we know it, and how the world came to be in this bleak, dystopian future, but the vagueness around that doesn't detract from the impact of Anna's story. A gripping read, but do take heed of the Content Warnings if such topics are likely to trigger or upset you in anyway.

**Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC**