A review by stumpfed
Being Me by Lisa Renee Jones


Gaaahhhhh! I hate one major thing about this series. Truly hate it. Hate that it takes soooo long between books! LOL!

This installment finds us learning so much more about Chris, which I love because I'm pulling for him sooo much. Sara finally starts to come around on some of her issues and the mystery surrounding Sara's best friend and Rebecca escalates. Sara's obsession with the journals actually falls to second place to her relationship with Chris a few times in this book, which was much needed for us to watch these two fight to be together.

This was another solid book in every way. Just when you're about to toss the book out the window because of Sara's overreaction and stubbornness, there is another flare up of intrigue or naked Chris that you just can't stop!! I loved it. But, now I'm depressed because I know book 3 is such a long way off (well, anything other than tomorrow for this story seems like a long way off!).