A review by meemzter
The Capture by K.A. Applegate


"Earth. It's a tough neighborhood."

The Capture is extraordinarily memorable for what happens in its last few chapters: Jake, our fearless leader, gets infested by a Yeerk. It is terrifying and thrilling and the stakes have never been higher.

However, I had forgotten how small that section of the book actually is, and how much other great content there is here. Some really great morphs and some really great Jake Materialâ„¢.

This book is ultimately about Jake and Tom. (I mean tbh... most Jake books are about Jake and Tom). From the first chapter, Jake is asking himself the horrifying (but very relevant) question that is going to shape his arc throughout the series: can he destroy his brother? This is the first book that highlights the reality that fighting the Yeerks could mean saving Tom, but fighting the Yeerks could also mean getting Tom killed. We love grade school fiction about whether you have the fortitude to kill your totally innocent brother for the greater good!

After Jake is infested, I have always loved watching the team figure out Jake is not himself. It's SO satisfying. The Yeerk trying to convince them that Jake would say "Andalite Filth" is honestly peak comedy.

Reading it this time, I did have the thought that... if the Yeerk knew he was going to die, wouldn't he have done something a bit more dramatic? Get Jake stuck in morph just to punish him or call Tobias's bluff on killing him etc. Also - how does morphing an ant work when the Yeerk is like way bigger than an ant? Suspension of disbelief malfunctioned there.

However, overall this is a great installment of the series. It sets up a huge, ongoing character arc for Jake. Being briefly infested teaches Jake (and us) a lot more about the Yeerks, their history, their societal structure. Also look at these authors planning ahead with the foreshadowing of Seerow's Kindness. and excuse me was that a Crayak appearance at the end??? The plotting was TIGHT during this era.

Highlights: r o a c h morph, FLY MORPH!!!, squad actually practicing a morph (smart), Rachel teaching Jake and Cassie how to shop, Tobias gradually becoming a Reconnaissance Lookout God, Cassie being the most calm and collected when Jake is infested, Ax posing as Jake, seeing the real Tom :'''(