A review by rainnbooks
Fatal Intent by Tammy Euliano


Many thanks to Net Galley, Oceanview Publishing and the author for a chance to read and review this book. All opinions are expressed voluntarily.

Fatal Intent, a debut novel by Dr. Tammy Euliano is a story that is gonna make you think, and think hard. A debatable topic of ending the life of a non-responsive patient is described with such sympathy that as a reader there were parts of the story that made me cry buckets.

DR. Kate Downey, is surprised to know the deaths of her patients after they have been released from surgery. A simple query to the practicing surgeon opens up a can of worms and when approached by Christian, the son of the deceased she has no choice but to check the possibilities of something seriously gone wrong. But Kate is herself not in a good place as she fights for the survival of her husband who has been in a vegetative state and moved to fulltime care facility. As Kate battles her brother-in law in keeping Greg alive, professional turmoil in the form of a vengeful student adds to her woes. The going is not all bleak as Kate finds support from her aunt, Christian and Jenna, a 4th year med student.

As the author is herself a practicing anaesthesiologist, the reader is given glimpses of how cases get handled by the team and the administerial and official policies involved in a hospital, and in spite of all the checks how the greedy ones still conduct their evil acts. As thrillers go, medical thrillers have always been a favourite of mine but honestly it has been a while since I got my hands on one. Fatal Intent has some emotionally charged moments with some brilliant writing that blew me away.

The villains are revealed early in the story as the reader plunges into the investigation concerning the deaths along with Kate but it is the climax with a numbing scene of ‘save or kill’ that left me torn to shreds.

Awesome debut! Highly recommended.

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