A review by amandacoyne
A Love Letter from the Girls Who Feel Everything by Kandi Steiner, Brittainy C. Cherry

emotional inspiring reflective sad fast-paced


These were all so beautiful! I definitely found some pieces of myself in these pages. 

I think this collection would be a great one to read every few years with different colored tabs to see what poems/prose speak to me in that moment in time versus which ones did now. 

Enjoy some (but not all) of my favorites:


“I walk the tight rope,
heart beating
chest aching -
balancing on hope,

crashing on doubt.

To everyone around me
I am stable -
smooth as glass,
breathing soundly,

but inside, I shout.

Please don't fall -
left foot
right foot
capturing the eyes of all.

Breathe in, breathe out.”


“The elasticity of Time has always intrigued 
me. How astounding it is that a moment in time can feel like it occurred ages ago and like it happened only yesterday all at once. Sometimes, Time is a friend, a healer, a lover holding our hand as we walk through hell. But other times, Time is an enemy, bringing us back to a time and place that nearly killed us, as if to just remind us that no matter how strong we are now, we were once weak, we were once broken, and we can be again.”


“One day she decided it was okay for her to feel. She embraced the scars from the past and allowed herself to fall apart.

In the morning, she cried into her coffee.
At night, she sobbed into her tea.

Sometimes one had to completely collapse for their hearts to be freed.”


“She's a summer soul trapped
inside a winter's freeze.”


“I'm not sad that I've lost you,
because the truth is I never did.
You're still here,
in my heart,
in my mind,
shaping the woman I'll be
when all the scars have healed.”


“Walk away. No - run. Run from the things that do not serve you, the past that does not define you, the present that does not please you, and the people who do not value you. Trust me, peace is found in movement, in discovery, and the path is never-ending.”


“Every sunrise
you're allowed to
begin again.”


“Her insecurities were as loud as day,
but his gentle embrace made the noise stay at bay.”