A review by toystory242
Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast


*probably like 3.75*

Okay so this was like everything I wanted from this book at once but also this book had a plot point that I hate in endings and it sucks???

Like trust me, I loved a lot about this book--I loved Raven and August, I loved the development of their characters and their relationship, and while the pace of the book is slow, it's definitely supposed to be.

I dunno--it's just not my favorite thing while also being one of my favorite things at the same time? Let's say that I liked a lot of this book, and at points there was potential for me to really love it. But it never really reached that I LOVE THIS SO MUCH level for me. HOWEVER, I do think I will still pick up the sequel.

Sorry this review is so vague lol.