A review by myownbookshelves
Broken Love Story by Natasha Madison


Natasha Madison left the best for last.
Perfect left me FEELING.
Unexpected left me HAPPY.
Broken left me PERFECT.

In this world, it was Blake and Samantha I desperately wanted to have a HEA. These two people for reasons beyond their control needed life to hand them a break. Even when they found each other, life was betting against them. It is this story that left it for such a page turner.

Natasha's storytelling appeals to the inner hearts & flowers we all want to feel and enjoy in contemporary romance. Although this story has heartbreak written all over it, it's the perseverance that the two characters deserve that keeps the reader engaged. It wasn't a rollercoaster - this story was a day on the ocean. A story where an occasional rogue wave tries to knock down the MCs but they have what it takes to stand. They are not broken - they are each other's missing piece to make a perfect whole.

By all means, I strongly recommend that you read all three books. Although Blake and Samantha's story has qualities of a fantastic standalone within the series, seeing the backstories to the others in Perfect and Unexpected contribute to the series enjoyment. If you love 'true' contemporary romance, pick up the series and diving in for binge read that can't be missed! 5 out of 5 must read stars