A review by downlispenardstreet_
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo


I sometimes wonder if an author is aware when they are writing a book that it is literal gold dust.

Leigh Bardugo heard the stereotype that sequels are never as a good and said "Hold my pearls" - this book had me enthralled from page one. Just when you think things might calm down, or think you know how things are going to end up...you really haven't got a clue.
Reading this duology back to back was the right choice and it felt like one massive adventure that i was so here for, Bardugos writing allowed me to escape to the intricate maze of Ketterdams streets; the rooftops and secret hideaways that Inej knew so well; the decks of a ship on its way to the Ice Court - a completely new world of lies, betrayals, profit, love and hope.
Crooked Kingdoms makes you question just about everything, but at its core its a book about never being complacent and never loosing hope - "When you can't beat the odds, change the game."

The ending gave me hope that these characters finally got what they wanted, but more importantly hope that their stories weren't over and didn't end on the last page. They all went through hardship and fights and disloyalty, and while they are still all criminals they aren't the bad guys, they would continue on all down their own pathways, face more struggles for sure, but will continue living.

This is why i read.