A review by christytidwell
The Dazzle of Day by Molly Gloss


This book took some effort on my part. It took me days to get through the first half because the pacing was slow and I couldn't help but feel that nothing was happening (even though things were demonstrably happening).

The second half of the book is also slowly paced and has a distant, sort of meditative quality to it that takes you away from what is happening and into the characters' descriptions of what is happening and their thoughts and feelings about it. At times, this works well, with some beautiful and insightful writing that draws the reader in to the world as the characters experience it; at other times, this approach is too distant, too reflective, preventing any real connection between reader and text.

I think this one just wasn't right for me right now. I would definitely read another of Molly Gloss's books, though, based on the parts of this book that I liked.