A review by halle_elizabeth
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

adventurous hopeful tense fast-paced


4.25/5 Stars 

This is a weird situation where I watched the movie first, then read the book. My fiancé & I love the movie, Ready Player One, so I thought why not read the book? To start this review off I must say, the book & the movie should be consumed as two separate things entirely because they are literally not similar at all in my opinion. They have the same premise & vibe but soooo much is different, however, I like them both in their own way. 

Now to the book review! I really enjoyed my time with this book. I think that the entire thing is really interesting because it’s “science fiction” but I could totally see something like the “OASIS” becoming reality…any one else feel that way? I really liked the treasure hunt vibe of the book & it was very fast paced & action packed. One of my favorite elements of the book was also why I docked some points off of my rating & that is the references. I love how there are 80s references & pop culture moments & media thrown in. HOWEVER, how many freaking references does there need to be?? I would love to see a list of how many references were made. The reason I didn’t always love the references was because it was overdone & lots of the references I didn’t understand. If I understood the reference I felt smart & involved but when I didn’t I felt out of the loop & kind of dumb. The second thing I docked points for was it was too long. There were parts of this book that drug out & there is too much time between quest one & two, especially because we know there will be three quests total to win. 

All this being said, it is a really great book. My fiancé & I have both read & enjoyed it. He has started the sequel & I plan to read it soon.