A review by jamespatrickjoyce
The Mystery of the Green Ghost by Alfred Hitchcock, Robert Arthur


This series (and this book in particular) was one of those I remember ordering from Scholastic Book Club, when I was a kid. I remember getting the box of books, a couple times a year, like a little Christmas at school.

I re-read this for nostalgia's sake, The Three Investigators being among my most remembered youth reads. I dreamed of being a member of this group. Their clubhouse is an abandoned motorhome hidden in the back of the junkyard that Jupiter Jones's (the boy genius) family owns. And there are secret tunnels, covered by junk, that the boys use to get to it. It even has its own telephone line.

Not to mention the periscope they rigged, to see what's happening beyond their hiding space. Ahhh... the stuff of legends, for a young boy.


Like in most of their investigations (that I can recall) they have an apparent supernatural mystery that they put their minds to and expose as a hoax, covering up a crime.

Basically, Scooby-Doo ripped them off. They would have got away with it, if not for Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw, and Bob Andrews.

(as an additional amusement for fans of this series who may be interested in an ironic take on the concept, check out the Donald Glover film "Dream Team", which is basically what happens if the Three Investigators grow up, without changing a bit. Incredibly funny.)

And I'm not kidding about Scooby-Doo. The concept for that series was ripped from the pages of The Three Investigators.