A review by leesha_nyaa
The Make-Up Test by Jenny L. Howe

Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
I couldn’t get past I think about 100 pages. I am not sure. I understand that people have different preferences and are attracted to who they are attracted to, but the way the writer described the love interest…I don’t know how that would appeal to anyone. I think my final straw was the cardigan after sex. I didn’t even want to know why he was so attached to them, everything about him gave me so much of an ick, that I had to stop. Who describes someone's laugh as some kind of squawky bird and expects anyone to like that?
Not just the love interest turned me off about this book, it was also the female lead. I wanted to love this book because I love a plus-size FMC. But she was so intolerably competitive. Regardless of trauma and daddy issues.
When she was arguing with her mother her gut reaction was “win, win, win.” I knew she wasn’t for me.