A review by textandtunes
Tarnished Crown by Erin Watt


“When I first laid eyes on you three years ago, I didn't have any clue how hard I'd fall. You knocked me out and I've been yours ever since.”

I really enjoyed all the other books. Sure I had my problems with them but overall, I did like them.
And I was really excited for a book about Gideon, who wasn't really included in the other books (because he was at college, obviously).

I had my struggles getting into the book. All those new names confused me after five books with the same people. And the timelines? It took me half the book to realize why Gideon only met Savannah "three years ago" - because they have a big age difference!
Both Gideon and Savannah are characters I instantly liked. And once I got a hang of the timelines, I loved the switch and the way the flashbacks were woven into the story.
You might be thinking "why have you given this book two stars if you are liking it??"
Well: it was too short. It was rushed. There was this problem that Gideon and Sav had which lead them to break up; and they made a plan to take revenge, and we never got to see the end of this. I feel like I only got a hang of the book, and then it was over. Those two deserved more pages!
I had the rating on three stars, but I liked this one the least (as a book) from the series. So I had to move it to the lowest rating to the seris (obvs); which is two stars.
Gideon and Savannah will stay my favorite couple though, no matter if their story ended way too abruptly.