A review by jubaju
The Beautiful Dead by Belinda Bauer


“He might kill her, she might let him”. Was expecting some weird, twisted, obsessive love. Finally some non-vomit inducing romance? Alas! None of that.

We get a childish MC who never grew out of her “sarcasm and punches” phase, a very bland and boring love interest, and a killer who, while fascinating in the beginning, gets a total re-evaluation in the middle of the book and suddenly becomes completely unhinged, instead of cold and calculating.

The writing was bad, though I eventually got used to it. At times monotonous, other times frantic, it didn’t set a pace for the novel as much as give me a headache. Also, so! Many! Exclamation! Points! Rah!

They had me at the blurb and reviews, they lost me at the writing style and character un-development.