A review by daleg
Orphan Black: The Next Chapter by Heli Kennedy, Lindsay Smith, E.C. Myers, Malka Older, Madeline Ashby, Tatiana Maslany, Mishell Baker


For fans of the TV series (watch it before reading this). Tatiana Maslany narrates and immediately picks up the voices of the clones. Tatiana does is also brilliant with the non-clone voices, especially Delphine and Felix.

This story is 8 years after the TV series, set in Canada, a thriller, peoples lives are at risk and the outcome is life changing for the sestras. I missed these characters and wanted more even before finishing (the next book is available for pre-order).

I'm not sure if it was the writing, that it was a book, or it was me being nostalgic but the writer perfectly picked the 'voices' of the clones, making the story more personal than the TV series. I'd often smile to myself at how different clones reacted and spoke, just as I remembered.

It turns out I have favourite sestras, so it was special to see how Cosima's and Delphine's relationship had grown, that Helena was still deadly Helena and flourishing, that Allison was just as demanding.

A theme of the story is accepting differences and being stronger together. The bond between the sestras is even stronger, and after 8 years together they're a family. They're clones but the writing and narrating makes clear those differences, that the sestras know the good and bad of each other, and support each other regardless. There's definitely a 'feel good' element to the story. I loved having another chapter with these individuals.