A review by ablotial
So Much Pretty by Cara Hoffman


This book had SO MUCH potential to be amazing, but just didn't cut it. First of all, the author kept doing that thing that I hate where they mention things cryptically but don't give you enough information about it because they don't want you to know about it yet. But if they don't want you to know about it, they shouldn't mention it at all! I guess they try to get you curious... which works well the first, and MAYBE the second time the cryptic thing comes up. But after more than that, it just gets annoying. And when they are doing it about 10 different cryptic things instead of just one, like this author did, it is even worse.

Finally, about 3/4 of the way into the book, Hoffman finally decides to let you in on all the secrets that she's been keeping throughout the book. Things come together, you have that "oohhhh" moment, and then the book ends, rather abruptly. And it wasn't about what you thought it was about at all.

I still think this book could have been amazing. The subject matter it covers is a great one for a book -- it makes you think a lot about personal accountability and people you think you know well and crimes against women. Coming from a small town, I related a lot to the characters. I especially liked Alice and related a lot to the way she thought about the world.

I gave away my copy of this book through PaperbackSwap, but I'd like to revisit it again someday.