A review by janine9vn
The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human by V.S. Ramachandran


This book took me a long time to finish, as is apparent. For a lot of months I just never opened it my kindle because life got busy. So the first half of this book might be a bit hard to recall. This book is VS Ramachandran, a scientist in the neurology field, explaining and diving into some of his experiments and hypotheses for what makes humans, human. Overall this book is a nice combination of technical talk and good writing and getting the points across without it feeling like you're reading a thesis paper.

I don't really have much else to say. There is super technical language in this book but he does and excellent job of breaking it down where if you don't quite get it, you can still easily follow along and it doesn't diminish his message. This is a good read and a must read for anyone interested in psychology or neurology or other fields related to the brain and the body.

Also, mirror neurons are cool as hell.