A review by madfoot
Morningside Heights by Cheryl Mendelson


This got four stars from me, the extra one being because I just miss that neighborhood so much and was glad to see it as a skillfully drawn additional character in the book.

Someone else made the comparison to Jane Austen, and I think that's apt. The main characters are a particular brand of genteel, impoverished intelligensia that certainly rang true for me, being of that world. Which made it both enjoyable and stifling. I found myself wondering, at times, why I was spending time with these entitled, spoiled brats - yet I was compelled to keep reading and root for them, which is a tribute to Mendelson's writing. She just wouldn't let go of my subconscious. I've now ordered both sequels, because as irritating as these characters are, I must know what happens next.

Again: Austen-like.