A review by lifeinthebooklane
Deviant Control by L.V. Lane


Having caught glimpses of Lilly in previous books I was very much looking to reading her story, and this opening instalment did not disappoint. I had expected a little more fight from her BUT I totally bought into her decisions, actions and choices. She's also pragmatic and knew not to fight battles she could never win.

In some ways I still feel as though we only just scratched the surface of Lilly and Ryker's characters. I definitely got the impressions that L.V. Lane has so much more in store for them all and only as these events unfold will we truly get to learn everything there is to know about Lilly and her two men. Having only seen brief glimpses of Ethan so far, I'm curious as to how he will fit into the story.

Whilst it isn't the deepest of most complex of plots, there is just something about the author's voice that captivates me. Part of that is her ability to craft engaging characters and write then in such a way that I feel their emotions and am soon fully invested in them. I virtually read the book in one sitting, pausing only long enough to purchase the remaining 3 books that feature this trio.

The omega elements in this were somewhat subdued, but we still get plenty of domination by both her sexy Alpha controllers. Included are elements of mystery, particularly surrounding Lilly's singularity and the experiments being conducted on her. I will be jumping straight into the next book to continue this exciting adventure!