A review by rlisaacs
A Cup of Silver Linings by Karen Hawkins


I loved the first book, I did. But somehow, I loved this one even more. Kristen, I'm surprised to say, turned into one of my favorite characters. (Not that I didn't expect to like her. It's just that Sarah still has a special place in my heart. Love her to death, and yet in here, Kristen is the one I was excited to keep coming back to.)

We dive more into Dove Pond in this book. The romance in this book is less present than the other one, which is also a surprise since I still liked this one more than the last. But the potentials for romance and the beginnings of other romances are all there and were more than enough to satisfy me and bring a big grin to my face.
Spoiler Blake and Sarah! So sad what was done to them, but AH! Near the end! I'm so happy!

I don't want to reveal too much more or give any other spoilers. But I do want to share one of the points in this book that made me laugh out loud. And I mean hard. It probably wasn't even actually as funny as I found it, but I had to put the book down a minute until I could control myself again. Suffice to say, Kristen and her two best friends in this book... I love this trio. They make my day.

Excerpt from the Book:
“Missy turned back to Kristen. ‘Say hi. Mention the weather, if you must. Then ask him the important question.’
‘Just throw it out there?’
‘Throw it like a grenade. See where it lands.’”

And now I need the third book, but alas, I will have to wait a while for that yet. But I will definitely be snatching it up as soon as possible, you better believe. I love Dove Pond. I wish it were a real place, so I could go and stay there.

Five very satisfied stars. :)

Update: Sorry, but I did just want to add one thing. Still love this book. But I feel like the summary/description we are given here for the story is misleading.
Spoiler Example being, the summary or blurb up top implies that Ava is sort of a big help or major part in helping Kristen try to locate her father... but in the book itself, Ava doesn't even figure out that Kristen is on a hunt for this man until almost the end. She does not help, in any way, to find out who the father is, because by the time she figures out that's what Kristen is doing, Ellen already knows and reveals it.
So yeah, some of it's correct, some of it is misleading. Can't really tell you more without spoiling things. (which, if you read the spoiler above, you might already feel spoiled). But just wanted to point that out. I still read the book. Still loved it. But... yeah.