A review by curlyc90
Ensnared by A.G. Howard


*Spoilers ahead*
Are you seeing this? 5 STARS??! It takes a lot for me to do that, but as I approached the ending of Ensnared I couldn't help but truly feel that A.G. Howard ended this series brilliantly.

1. AnyElsewhere- What a great concept! What a fantastic, horrible, dreadful world to bring to life.

2. Thomas (Alyssa's Dad)- Well played! I loved the journey he now gets to experience with his daughter (and her two lover boys). I love that he was able to become fully self-aware of his past and those closest to him. I appreciate the construction of his character. I liked how [a:A.G. Howard|5186274|A.G. Howard|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1325561918p2/5186274.jpg] was able to create his past and tie it seamlessly in a way to his family (the knights, wife, and daughter).

3. Alyssa - What a Queen!! No really I am proud of her growth. Where I found myself being exhausted with her in the past I actually really enjoyed her embracing herself this time around. She truly came into her powers and learned how to control them. What she did with Red...I couldn't be more happier. Perfect.

4. The Love Triangle - Jeb, oh sweet Jeb...Meeting up with Jeb in AnyElsewhere was heartbreaking. And judging from my past reviews you can tell I wasn't a huge fan of his. But this time around I loved him. Jeb has powers...whaaaat!! Plot Twist! No but really I loved learning more about his character and seeing his despair. I felt sorry for Alyssa and for Jeb and I actually rooted for them a little too. But not very far away was Morpheus! Oh poor Morph...most of the novel without powers. You definitely experience the effects of having something you never had and having something taken away that you've always known. It's bittersweet and dreadful. But I grew to love Morph even more. I knew before the book was over that somehow of course both sides would win in their own ways. And I truly liked the ending. As always I'm left with the feeling of give me more. What was her life like in the human world? In Wonderland? How about the son? I'm honestly happy she admits her love for BOTH men! Especially Morpheus. I would've loved another book with a look into that side. Partially because I love Wonderland and all of its craziness. I'm so happy both guys kind of came to an understanding. Even though this could've just been an easy out...the horror!

Sadly, the series is over. But great series. Great ending. I know this gets mixed reviews but I enjoyed this fairy tale. This Alice in Wonderland is like no other. Action packed, lots of surprises, nice twists, romance and its all in one book.