A review by alcopops
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


So, this book was a weird one for me.
I read it in a tiny timeframe but.. I'm not quite sure I enjoyed it. I kind of just wanted to finish it for the sake of finishing it.
I feel as if I went into this with my expectations a little too high, which might have been the case. Maybe I'm just not cut out for reading this type of YA anymore and that's okay.

Miss Avery Grambs inherits a lot of money and is forced to move into this house with 4 boys who are bad to the bone, I guess. I'm still waiting to see that part (the bad boys) and I've finished the book. And I realise this review is starting to sound really harsh, so let me just clear some things up.

I didn't hate this book, but I didn't love it either. It was okay. I could have just left it at 50% and called it a day, I didn't have much desire to find out what was going to happen. I will admit the writing was easy enough to read that it didn't feel exhausting, it was quick and the chapters are short.

I think I expected too much out of the "puzzles".. I don't even really know if I can call them puzzles or riddles or whatever else. They just had nothing to them really, at least from my point of view. The reward for finding things out in this book just fell very flat for me.

Also, Avery's best friend drove me a little crazy, I can't lie. I understand this is a YA book but changing all the swearing into words that sound vaguely like swearing was for some reason just infuriating to me. Max just annoyed the hell out of me the whole book.

As for Avery and the Hawthorne boys themselves, they didn't really leave an impression on me at all. I didn't care for their relationships with eachother, with their family, etc. I just wish there was a little more. I wanted more character growth, I wanted to know more about their history, about them. Maybe that comes later in the series but I am a very character driven person so this was a little rough for me.

Overall, the writing is easy to read, I enjoyed the descriptions of the house and the setting a lot! The rest of it just fell short for me but as I said, I think this kind of YA is just a little too young for me and that's okay! I could easily recommend this to readers who are a lot younger than myself and exploring the mystery genre for the first time.