A review by stucknbooks14
Rebellious Rockstar by Gina Azzi


(I received an ARC for this book)

This book ends on a cliffhanger!

Trigger Warnings include:
child abandonment, foster care system, child abuse, drug use, sudden loss

This is four years after the prequel. And I mention that because I’m not sure if it felt like no time had passed, or too much time had. Allegra is determined to reconnect with her brother, which also means moving in with complete strangers who are also famous. That alone was its own issue. I had already questioned whatever brother/sister bond they had, but after finishing this book, I can guarantee that I want nothing to do with her brother. I do not wish to experience his redemption. I genuinely hope he doesn’t somehow manage to repair what he’s broken, because she deserves better than that. Which brings me to her and Derek. Because she one thousand percent deserves better than him. Allegra is focused on making a better future for herself. A better life than the one her parents were ‘forcing’ her to have. She shouldn’t be focused on the one man in her life that is destroying her. He’s manipulative and it’s icky. I won’t be reading the rest of their story. Derek could grovel for twenty books, and I’d still never forgive him for the damage he’s already done up to this point. I genuinely should have DNFed. But I really did want to figure out what Allegra was going to do. But after the mess Derek caused, that doesn’t matter to me anymore.

My Favorite Quotes:
• “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”
• “I still want you, fucking crave you.”
• “You taste like want.”
• “I can’t not touch when you’re sitting this close.”
• “I’m the man who makes you feel things. No one else.”
• “Don’t burn out.”
• “I want to savor this with you.”
• “It may not be the right kind of love, but it’s love.”

7/10 Dirty Birdy
4/10 Age Gap
8/10 Brother’s BFF
8/10 Forced Proximity

This is my review for Righteous Rockstar