A review by kimreadsbooks
Stupid Girl by Mary E. Twomey


At this point in the series, Rosie is learning the ropes, but she's still having a really difficult time. She's got political enemies (including her mom) even though she's barely done anything yet other than get hurt and lose people.

Link is my favorite character in this one, he's just so fun. I imagine him being that goofy guy friend that is way sweeter than he lets on.

Kerdick continues to get weirder as you learn more of his secrets, but he's turning into one of my faves as well. Even though he's probably more villain than good, his love for Rosie when he loves or barely even likes anyone else is impressive.

There's one scene in this one that I didn't love, it involved animals and it's the type of scene I'll usually stop a book because of. Thankfully the author makes it quick and I was able to muscle thru it, but reader be warned. It's the only reason I dropped one star because it was almost too much for me.

And finally, Bastien. I knew his fall was coming, it had to, it always does. He messes up bad, and while you want to hate him, based on his character thru the books you know he will hate himself more. He just can't stop screwing it up. It's interesting to me, as Mary Twomey's Undraland series is one of my favorites of all time, that I like this character so much when a very similar one (Jens in Undraland) was a bit hard for me to accept. There's just something about Bastien as a character that I can't help but just want to forgive him. It's a testament to her understanding of the characters she's creating that she can make you feel the same weird unshakeable caring for the character that Rosie has as well. But, good on Rosie for not taking his shit just yet and making him feel the pain.

One last thought, what does Kerdick know that no one else does that led him to rush the tattoo, and what's his end game?

Only time will tell.