A review by thepetitepunk
Dangerous Play by Emma Kress


Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 stars

This was a powerful novel about sexual assault, victim blaming, and the #MeToo movement. Although it certainly contains some subjects that are difficult to read about, I found myself flying through this book in only a day. The writing was fantastic--it was strong and realistic, while still capture the voice of teens. I appreciated that the characters didn't always do the "right" thing when trying to deal with the injustices they were facing; the fact that their actions were questionable (and sometimes straight up vengeful) was mentioned, yet the characters weren't outwardly punished. I really admired this risk on the author's behalf, as it highlights how muddled the territory of sexual injustice can be, and the deep emotions it produces.