A review by chronicreader96
999 Lives by Disa Dawn


I really enjoyed the first instalment of this series but this book felt like it was on a whole new level.

999 lives returns to the life of Tennessee England a demon-wrangler/mortician. She turns her hand to detective work as mysteries start cropping up in town (missing cats, mysterious drownings). Whilst trying to handle her love triangle and the lives of her friends, can she juggle it all?

This novel was so full of action, I felt like I was on the edge of my seat in anticipation. I think if I truly tried to describe this book I would sound ridiculous. It was so outlandish but so so good. I can honestly say that this book included things I have never seen in a novel before! I just love how incredibly quirky the storyline and characters are! Fantasy, cosy mystery, sweet romance, completely unique yet insane ideas and characters…what’s not to love?!

Disa’s writing is sublime. The words tugged on my heart strings, quickened my pulse and made me laugh out loud! I fell completely in love with Maria, and my love for Sho and Tennessee grew deeper with this book! I am always fond of a novel involving a strong but kind female lead and that is exactly what this series does so well! I also love the ethnic representations woven into the storyline. I did not want to put this book down and I am beyond excited to pick up the next book in the series!

I would recommend this series to fantasy lovers! It was one of my first dips into fantasy and it holds such a special place in my heart!