A review by misthios_pat
Good Enough to Eat by Jae, Alison Grey


This was a very enjoyably and fun reading. Got me spilling tea on my screen at least twice with so many the funny bits. Made my day.

Both MCs were great and loved the whole secrecy. The AA + vampire bit was just tooo much lol.

One thing I liked seeing, even if was a short conversation, was how a non believer would deal with some part of the AA steps related to God. I'm an atheist and wondered if there was secularist groups for this matter and how things work. I searched before, but it was many many years ago (over a decade tbh), so didn't find much (I'll try again now)

Finally, I was about to say that I wouldn't mind a follow up with these two, but just saw there is a short story, so you'll excuse me, I have some more reading to do.