A review by mbenzz
The Story of a Marriage by Andrew Sean Greer

Did not finish book.
DNF'd at 53% because I Just. Don't. CARE.

I wanted something short and sweet to knock out in a day or so as my last book took me about a week to get through, and I wanted something quick. At 208 pages, I figured this would be a breeze.

It was not a breeze.

Today, on day 4, I've decided to throw in the towel and move on. I've got to say, the initial reveal of what was actually going on was surprising. Not your normal 'cheatin' spouse' kind of story, but after that, I rapidly lost interest.

Pearlie is a doormat, Buzz is a kind of an asshole, but you also feel kind of sorry for him, the aunts were weird, and Holland is barely there (at least for the first half of the book).

Overall, while the writing is decent, it's done in a way that I think is supposed to come off as thought-provoking and deep, but instead comes off as booooooring and sloooooooow. Since life's too short to read books that don't interest me, I'm moving on!