A review by bookloverchelle
Binding the Shadows by Jenn Bennett


I’ve adored Jenn Bennett’s Arcadia Bell series for years so I was very excited that the newest, Binding the Shadows, was here! Because this is an ongoing story with repeating characters and an overarching story line I do not recommend starting with this book but I do recommend going back to book number 1 because this series is just absolutely fabulous. There is not one element that I can claim makes me love this series so much, it really is a culmination of the parts that make it just a joy to read. The heroine, Cady, has spent years running from her past but when she finally settled in this quiet coastal California town she found something that she wants to stay for. Between her successful tiki bar and relationship with the ever sexy Lon, life’s looking up. When a crime spree hits Cady’s bar her past may be catching up with her in the most unlikely way. The relationship between Cady and Lon is probably one of the few May-December relationships that I read and I love it. Lon plays the strong but silent type very well and even though he may not say much or share much, there is never a doubt in my mind how he feels about Cady because he provides so many little gestures that are just so sexy. One of the other joys of the book is Lon’s teenage son, Jupe. Again, I don’t read a lot of stories with teenage children in them but Jupe is just a fun dynamic in the story. It’s interesting to see how he’s grown in the past few books but also how he struggles between being an adult or a fun loving kid. There’s some great character and plot development in this story but we’re left on such a cliffhanger I’m about ready to cry that there’s another year before the next story is out. Great, fun read and one of my favorites of the year so far.

*I received an ARC of this book from the author.