A review by shancireads
The Club by A.L. Brooks


This book was a haphazard, plotless mess with too many characters and stories for me to keep track of, made worse by the unnecessary time jumps at random intervals in the story.

A few points in the story either repulsed me, made me roll my eyes, or made me ask “wtf is this?” and I’ll try to name a few of them.

1st: Jacky’s (sp?) aversion to oral sex being because she was embarrassed from squirting once? Like are you kidding me? A grown women with a wife and an active sex life who goes to a sex club for fun doesn’t know what squirting is? What even is this book?

2nd: Why is everyone fucking up against a wall? Has no one come to the realization that that is freaking uncomfortable as hell for anything longer than five minutes? Why are there no beds? Why are people banging on the floor? Why are there no private rooms for folks who do not want to be intimate in front of everyone? Why are people finger banging and going right to the bar and touching surfaces without washing their hands or cleaning up? Where is the sense of safe sex? Why are random strangers swapping juices with no protection? Why did one woman, at one point in the story, move from oral sex with one woman to another within five seconds? Do STDs not exist in this shitty fictional world?

3rd: What was with the big jump from Mandy giving Rebecca a breast exam in her bedroom to Rebecca being lowered into the ground? How do you just jump from that to a funeral with nothing in between? There was nothing leading up to the funeral, no doctors visits, no evidence of Rebecca’s health deteriorating, no scenes with the two characters bonding and getting closer and falling in love (or in Mandy’s case, deeper in love). In fact, there are no scenes at all, just a scene separator in the form of three asterisks separating the two events. My jaw dropped so fast when I read it. And bc of this weird jump, the loss of Rebecca wasn’t a loss. The author didn’t take us through any of it, just showed us a few snapshots and said “Here. Feel”, and it didn’t work because it never does. Like...are you serious? Lmao. And isn’t it convenient that Rebecca died and left Mandy all her inheritance? Oh please.

4th: Why were characters introduced and relationships or attractions hinted at in the beginning of the book but never mentioned again? For instance Mandy’s intense attraction to Kath. Or the situation with that woman, Max, who was cheating on her wife, Sue? What happened with that? Why spend time on these things and then not mention them again?

5th: So many stories were started but not finished. There was so much confusion and so many loose ends. A good standalone book shouldn’t leave you confused with more questions than answers.

6th AND MOST IMPORTANT: What is this quote???

“Her deeply black skin and strong bone structure hinted at an African heritage, rather than Caribbean.”

White authors really need to do better when writing Black characters because wtf does this even mean? Deeply black skin? Nobody has black skin omg. What does this mean??? It makes no sense. And what does the Caribbean or Africa have to do with skin tone? Both are very diverse places with very diverse countries and people of different skin tones. They’re not all just the color of a Werther’s original or a dark chocolate bar. This infuriated me to no end because it happens so much in books by white authors and I’m tired of reading this offensive misinformation. The concept of race, ethnicity, and nationality just flies over people’s heads and it’s annoying and embarrassing. If you’re gonna write about something you know nothing about (clearly) for the love of all things holy, do some research ffs. Do better