A review by kerrireads
F*ck You Haiku: Little Breakup Poems to Help You Vent, Heal, and Move on by Kristina Grish


This was a fun, short book. It's the perfect read if you need a quick escape from the everyday.

Kristina Grish and her husband split up, but she didn't see it coming. To cope she started writing haiku. The book is divided into different sections with haiku that go with each one. Sections include: Memories, Fights, Coping and Solo, among others. There were haiku that made me laugh out loud, and others that were contemplative.

I really enjoyed this book and think it would make the perfect gift book for someone going through a breakup or just someone that loves haiku!

Thanks NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for this eGalley in exchange for an honest review.